The various tribes that still live in the world live in the forests, deserts or jungles and on every continent in the world. Each of these ethnic groups retains customs, cultures, or meanings relevant to their place of origin. On the Indonesian island of Buton, there is a case of a tribe where everyone has bright blue eyes because they suffer from Waardenburg syndrome.
In the images shared by the Photographer Korchnoi Pasaribu What’s striking on social media is the contrast between these tribe members’ dark hair and skin and their bright blue eyes. The photographer took the images in September 2020 when he was on the island of Butón and encountered this traveling civilization.
And all this is due to the strange syndrome that the inhabitants of this tribe suffer from, the so-called Waardenburg syndrome.
What is Waardenburg syndrome and who can suffer from it?
Waardenburg syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by manifestations of partial albinism or deafness, affecting the development of pigments in the hair, skin or eyes.
Some of the features are related to the change in pigmentation, as people who suffer from it may show premature white hair. Also changes in the shape of the face or iris pigmentation, as well as changes in the eyes, where one eye may be a different color than the other.
This syndrome is hereditary and is associated with mutations in several genes, which explains the fact that in this strain everyone has blue eyes.