The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra comes with a base that cleans and fills the mop with water.

Roborock announced today at CES 2022 its new S7 MaxV Ultra Vacuum Robot high-end.

This robot stands out for an improved system to avoid obstacles called IA 2.0 reactive which, thanks to the combination of an RGB camera, 3D structured light and a new neural processor, recognizes objects in its path more accurately, regardless of the lighting conditions.

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Roborock S6 MaxV robot vacuum test with AI

too recognizes and places the furniture in the app, allowing users to initiate a quick clean around dining tables or sofas with a simple tap of an icon in the Roborock app.

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Up until identifies the soil materials, adjusting the suction power and the scrub intensity.


While Roborock’s debugging technology hasn’t changed, the optional base brings interesting news.

Most high-end robot vacuums come with a base that serves two purposes: keeping the robot’s battery charged and evacuating the dirt in a small bucket using a powerful vacuum system.

Some robots have a damp cloth mop attached to the back that trails behind the vacuum rollers, scrubbing the floor at the same time.

the new base It not only removes dirt from the robot, it also cleans your mop and refills your water tank. This allows you to scrub up to 300 square meters before your help is needed.

The launch of the S7 MaxV Ultra in Spain is scheduled for the second quarter of this year, with a price of 1,399 euros for robot + basic package and 799 euros just for the robot.

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