The renewal of De Ligt with Juventus is underway

For some time there has been talk of the Juventus of Turin was willing to offer a renewal to Matthijs de Ligt and it seems that the negotiations between both parties have advanced quite a bit in recent weeks. The Bianconeri club revealed that their desire was to extend the Dutchman’s bond to control his future for a longer time, if they did not accept the renewal, they would have no qualms about putting him on the market, it seems that things are going to go the right way.

According to accountTuttosport‘, De Ligt is about to sign his new contract with the Bianconero team that will link him to the ‘Vecchia Signora’ for two more years, that is, until June 30, 2026. This agreement is not going to affect him a single cent of his contract and will continue to be the highest paid footballer in the team, he also made it a condition that his termination clause be lowered from the current 120 million euros, something that the Italians have ended up accepting.

He has settled with Massimiliano Allegri

The return of Massimiliano Allegri to Juventus in Turin has been essential for Matthijs de Ligt ended up settling in the starting lineup and this season he has done a good job in the Bianconera defense. Despite the club’s irregular season, the Dutch player has been up to the task throughout the campaign and this has been essential for Juve to decide to extend his contract for two more years, they have always trusted him and will continue to do so.

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