There seems to be a huge threat of rain over the final match of IPL 2023. The final match was to be held on May 28 at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. But due to the rain, there is no chance for this match to take place on Sunday. In such a situation, cricket fans look very disappointed and have started creating buzz on social media.
Fans created an uproar on social media
According to the updates that surfaced about the final match due to rain, May 29 has been declared as a reserve day. Let us tell you that the rain has not stopped since the time of the draw and there is no chance of it stopping even after that. In such a situation, people create different types of memes and share them on social media. Let’s take a look at some of the memes shared by users.
booking day monday
If the result of the match does not come out on Sunday, then Monday is kept as a reserve day. There was a lot of speculation on social media about the booking day, but during live match commentary on Star Sports, Harsha Bhogle gave an update that if even a match of five couldn’t take place until 12:05 on the last minute, then it would be played tomorrow, that is, on Monday, May 29.
What are the chances of the match happening on Sunday?
If we talk about today, due to the rain, the match couldn’t start on time. Even until the news was written, it was raining in Ahmedabad. According to the update, if the match starts at 9:35 p.m., the overs will not be cut. But this could not happen. At the same time, the cut-off time for the five-year party has been kept at 12:05 p.m.