Home Business The PSOE remains alone with Sumar, ERC and Bildu in allowing union...

The PSOE remains alone with Sumar, ERC and Bildu in allowing union members to join the boards of private companies

El PSOE se queda solo con Sumar, ERC y Bildu en la propuesta para que los sindicalistas entren en los consejos de empresas privadas


The union participation in the boards of companies that the government of Pedro Sánchez wants to allow at the initiative of Sumar, the political platform, more than one party, of Yolanda Díaz, which does not even have 10% parliamentary representation in Congress, – 27 out of 350 deputies received the first rejection from Congress this Tuesday, with the PNV and Junts per Catalunya highlighting the lack of support needed by the executive to carry out this measure.

Labor Minister Yolanda Díaz wants to establish a system that enables trade union co-determination in company and corporate councils and is preparing a corresponding legislative initiative.

PSOE, ERC and EH Bildu want union members to sit on the boards of private companies where shareholders risk their money

Seeking prior approval, Sumar defended this proposal in the Congress Working Commission, which rejected it with the votes for PSOE, ERC and EH Bildu, while PP, Vox, PNV and Junts voted against it. The Canary Coalition abstained.

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