A special session of the legislature is called to boost Uttar Pradesh’s economy to $10 trillion. Following the Prime Minister’s announcement, the Assembly Secretariat has started preparations. According to the information, the special session will last 36 to 48 hours. At the special session, members of the ruling party and opposition will propose boosting the economy to as much as $10 trillion over the next five years. Prime Minister Yogi had announced that he would convene a special session for the $10 trillion economy during the monsoon season. According to the sources, figures from the business world could also speak at the upcoming session. After a meeting with Prime Minister Yogi, the date of the special session will be announced shortly.
Vidhansabha spokesman Satish Mahana said that an app for Vidhansabha will be created. All information on the Vidhansabha will be available in the app and the session will also be live streamed. World-renowned agency Deloitte has been tasked with creating a roadmap for the $1 trillion economy. Company officials prepare the report considering all aspects including natural resources available in the state, agricultural production, domestic and foreign investment, industrial development and the improvement of employment opportunities in the private and state sectors.
Politics started with the special session of the legislature. Samajwadi Party spokesman Manoj Kaka has asked questions. He said that today farmers in UP are committing suicide, youths cannot find jobs, mothers and sisters are not safe, Asha daughters-in-law are not being paid, shiksha mitras are on the streets and the government is talking about $10 trillion. Kaka asked what happened to the MoU worth 31 lakh crore rupees. Even works worth 10,000 crore rupees are not visible in 75 districts. Elementary schools are closed for lack of funds, cops are seen in the streets, the government’s only job is to lie. He asked what had happened to employment over the past six years. Has farmer income doubled? How was the administration of fertilizers, seeds, studies and writings? The government is just spreading a lot of lies and trying to make people forget the basic issue.