The members of the Chamber of Accounts are questioned for ten hours

After around 10 hours of interviews with the members of the Chamber of Accountsthe special commission of the Chamber of Deputies that investigates the offenses committed by this supervisory body limited itself to offering details about the interrogation.

The deputy and president of the commission, Rogelio Genao Lanza, indicated that no value judgment would be advanced on the full of the supervisory body, while indicating that “the information that is circulating in the press does not correspond to the truth.”

Rogelio Genao Lanza, explained that the procedure consisted of each interviewee had 10 minutes to make a free presentation and then answer a round of questions and answers.

This is in relation to the statements by deputy Soraya Suarez, who assured that the president of the Chamber of Accounts, Janel Andrés Ramírez Sánchez, mentioned that political officials used influence to influence the body. Added to this, When asked by a journalist if Janel Ramírez mentioned the name of a politician who would be linked to the crisis in the Chamber of Accounts, Genao responded with a resounding “no.”

Likewise, he said that all the minutes and videos corresponding to Rodríguez’s management in the Chamber of Accounts were delivered to the commission.

This commission did not go into details, but reported that they have as Deadline to deliver the report to the plenary session of the deputies until the 9th of this month.

In their recommendations, legislators could request that a political trial be initiated against the plenary of that body.

According to Genao Lanza, the interviews were conducted in hierarchical order, the first being the president of the supervisory body, Janel Andrés Ramírezwho was asked for more than two hours about the conflicts that affect the institution he directs.

Later, it was the turn of the vice president, Elsa María Catano, who answered questions for more than two hours; The third to testify was Tomasina Tolentino de Makensi, secretary judge of the Chamber of Accounts, who was questioned for 1 hour and 27 minutes.

The fourth member to see the deputies was Mario Arturo Fernández, who took an hour and 14 minutes to respond to the concerns of the members of the commission; and the fifth member of the plenary Elsa Peña Peña, who was with the deputies for around 1 hour and 39 minutes.

In addition to those previously mentioned, she was questioned by the body’s assistant general secretary, this being the last to give her statements in the Hugo Tolentino Dipp room of the Chamber of Deputies.

The members of the committee of the Chamber of Deputies conducting the investigation It is made up of Rogelio Genao Lanza, as president; Cesar Santiago Rutinel; Rosendy Polanco; Pedro Tineo; Elias Wessin Chavez; Ruben Maldonado; Plutarco Perez; Mayobanex Martinez; Victor Suarez; Gustavo Sanchez; Saury Speck; Braulio Espinal; Jose Horacio Rodriguez; Brenda Ogando; Santiago Vilorio; Amado Diaz and Lily Florentino.

Deputies contradict each other

During the speech made by the commission yesterday afternoon, Deputy Nelsa Shoraya Suárezwho appeared as a guest of the special commission, gave statements to the press in which she stated that Andrés Ramírez mentioned names of politicians and even members of the body itself, who would have exercised influence to influence the body.

“Mr. Janel has been very clear”the deputy began by saying, to which she added that of the “softest things she has said is that she was not allowed to position someone, which made it difficult to get out of the work,” said the deputy from Santiago.

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