Home Sports The Mazepin steering wheel is in danger

The Mazepin steering wheel is in danger

El volante de Mazepin peligra

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine may have consequences for Nikita Mazepin’s sports career. The seat of the Russian pilot, who turns 23 on March 2, is in danger in a context of international sanctions. To begin with, because your passport can be an impediment to crossing borders or entering the United Kingdom, where the Haas team’s factory is located. But mostly because the sponsorship contract of the Uralkali fertilizer company, owned by Nikita’s father, may be altered in the coming weeks if Haas wanted to reject a direct link with the Russian oligarchs.

Dimitri Mazepin, an important businessman in the Russian chemical sector, contributes around 30 million euros for two seasons of Formula 1 for his son, 2021 and 2022. But since the Russian military offensive began, the team decided at the Barcelona test to withdraw the Uralkali sponsorship from the car and remove the colors of the Russian flag from the bodywork. With headquarters in Banbury and Maranello, Haas competes under the American flag because the owner of the constructor is the American businessman Gene Haas. “This has to be resolved,” team boss Guenther Steiner said on Friday, though he also confirmed that no direct sanctions are currently being applied to Mazepin or companies linked to his family.

In recent days, Pietro Fittipaldi, a 25-year-old Brazilian and grandson of two-time champion Emerson, has sounded like a possible replacement for Mazepin in case logistical or contractual problems prevented him from competing at the Bahrain GP (March 20). Pietro has already contested the Sakhir and Abu Dhabi Grands Prix in 2020 with Haas to replace Romain Grosjean, who had suffered a serious accident in Bahrain. Mazepin, meanwhile, has 21 grands prix in the championship, no points and 14th place as the best result.

F1 announced last Friday the cancellation of the Russian GP, ​​which was to be held on September 25 at the Sochi circuit. “Under the current circumstances” its celebration is not possible, assured the organization, although the test is definitively canceled and a possible substitute is already being sought. Meanwhile, several pilots have issued anti-war messages on their social media channels. Vettel was the first, with a press conference that prompted the cancellation of the Russian race: “I will not go, I have already decided,” he said hours before the event disappeared from the World Cup calendar.

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