Home Business The loan portfolio grew 14.6% year-on-year in June

The loan portfolio grew 14.6% year-on-year in June

La cartera de créditos creció 14.6% interanual en junio

The credit portfolio of the Dominican financial system amounted to RD$1.52 billion at the end of June, showing a year-on-year growth of 14.6% in nominal terms. This level of growth exceeds the average for the last 7 years, of 9.7%.

The information is contained in the second Report on credit in the financial system, published at the beginning of the month by the Superintendence of Banks.

The document highlights the sharp recovery in lending after the pandemic, which has been as sharp as the decline previously was.


The portfolio allocated to the private sector stood at 1.48 trillion, for an increase of RD$ 193.548 million (15%) since June 2021.

In contrast, the balance owed by the public sector showed a slight reduction of RD$451 million (1.1%) in the last 12 months, standing at RD$39,197 million as of June 2022 and losing share with respect to the total portfolio. The loan portfolio represents 53%. however, it experiences a reduction in its participation by 4.7 year-on-year percentage points, standing below the average of the last five years, which has been 57.7%.

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