Home Sports The Lenovo Tenerife overflows the Baxi Manresa

The Lenovo Tenerife overflows the Baxi Manresa

The Lenovo Tenerife overflows the Baxi Manresa

70 – Baxi Manresa (15+14+21+20): Harding (17), Badio (7), Valtonen (1), Hamilton (2), Lee (12)-starting fiveâ Dani Pérez (2), Dani Garcia
(-), Bortolani (7), Vaulet (10), Sagnia (2) and Steinbergs (10)

89 – Lenovo Tenerife (22+21+22+24): Huertas (8), Salin (12), Cook (12), Doornekamp (9), Guerra (5)-initial fiveâ Fitipaldo (15) Jaime
Fernández (9), Sastre (-), Abromaitis (11), Cruz (2) and Diagne (6)

referees: Jordi Aliaga, Martin Caballero and Iyán González. They eliminated local players Justin Hamilton and Marcis Steinbergs for five fouls

Incidents: match corresponding to the first day of the Endesa League played in the Nou Congost pavilion before 3,800 spectators.

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