The largest drawing made with GPS on a bicycle: a dinosaur of 1,000 kilometers

The Strava social network celebrates this Tuesday one of the historical milestones that has been achieved in the world’s largest social network for athletes: the largest drawing made with GPS after a bike ride in practice known as Strava Art.

A group of four French cyclists carried out this activity on October 30 and November 5 of last year, although it was not until this week when it officially became a world record as the largest drawing made with GPS on a bike in the world.

In this activity The four French cyclists completed an activity of 1,025 kilometers in the heart of France in the vicinity of Montluçon, in which, on the route, they traced the shape of a velociraptor.

Maxime Bruguère, Florent Aranud, Franck Delorme and Nicolas Meunier traced the velociraptor-shaped route using GPS tracking before getting down to work to put this route on the bicycles into practice to complete this drawing on 1,024.7 kilometers in those six days and during a moving time of 43 hours, 47 minutes and 26 seconds.

It is not the first time that the four cyclists of the Cyclos Randonneurs Saint-Galmier group have dared with the Strava Art fashion, since in 2020 they created a tyrannosaurus over a 200-kilometer journey and in 2021 they dared to draw a diplodocus over the same mileage.

Maxime Brugère, one of the architects of this challenge, explained in this way why they chose a dinosaur to achieve this record. “Dinosaurs are proof that such strong species can disappear quickly and that is what we are experiencing now with the sixth mass extinction. We are the main people responsible for this environmental crisis, but also its main victims. For this reason, the future is in our hands and cycling is one of the best ways to contribute to change”.

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