Home Tech The iPhone 13 Pro Max explodes the Galaxy S21 Ultra in this...

The iPhone 13 Pro Max explodes the Galaxy S21 Ultra in this speed test

The new iPhone 13 Pro Max is the most powerful new smartphone on the market in terms of raw performance, but will that be enough to outrun the Galaxy S21 Ultra in a speed test?

iPhone 13 Pro Max vs Galaxy S21 Ultra
Credit: PhoneBuff / YouTube

iPhone recently introduced its new iPhone 13 series, with a new overpowered A15 processor that outperforms their Android counterparts. However, benchmarks are not always representative of the real capabilities of smartphones, which is why speed tests have the advantage of better comparing smartphones and better reflect the performance to be expected in daily use.

YouTuber PhoneBuff, who recently demonstrated in a drop test that the iPhone 13 Pro Max was more fragile than the Galaxy S21 Ultra, is back with a new video that allows the two smartphones to compete on the performance front.

Who is the fastest between the iPhone 13 Pro Max and the Galaxy S21 Ultra?

The PhoneBuff test is divided into two parts. First, both smartphones need to open a bunch of apps as quickly as possible before starting over to see which smartphone has the best RAM management.

While the two devices manage to open the first applications at the same rate, with the Galaxy S21 Ultra taking a slight lead, everything becomes more complicated for him when it comes to exporting a video. The A15 chip of the iPhone 13 Pro Max reveals all its power in exporting video much faster than Samsung’s smartphone Snapdragon 888, which allows him to finish the first round in 1 minute and 51 seconds, against 1 minute and 58 seconds for the Galaxy S21 Ultra.

Regarding the management of RAM, the iPhone does very well with only 6 GB of RAM against 12 GB of RAM for the Galaxy S21 Ultra, since it does not have to open any application a second time. This allows him to finish the second round in 47 seconds, against 49 seconds for the Samsung smartphone.

This speed test shows us that the iPhone 13 Pro Max is much faster than the best smartphone of the Korean giant, in particular thanks to the excellent optimization of iOS and the power of the Apple A15 chip. However, we are very far from 50% additional performance compared to the competition as announced by Apple.

Samsung could soon give Apple a hard time with its next Galaxy S22 Ultra which arrives next January. Indeed, it will be equipped with a powerful Exynos chip designed in partnership with AMD. The latter promises to be much more powerful than the current Exynos 2100, since it will use the new generation of ARM v9 CPU which promises to be 30% faster.

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