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the hunt for nine

the hunt for nine

Jorge Sampaoli wants more. Both of the players that he has in his power and of those who could reach Nervión in the next winter market. “We need forcefulness. They need players who are forceful. In the other stage at Sevilla we had players with goals”. That’s how clear the current Sevilla coach expressed himself during a talk on twitch in which he showed his desire to have more efficiency weapons for the coming months of competition.

In parallel, Monchi tries to adjust economic balances and glimpse what options could give a qualitative leap to the team. The scenario is not easy. Sampaoli also knows it, who also tries to get the best version of his squad without anyone holding anything back. And in that context he has two names that opt ​​to give him that role of nine once Dolberg seems more far than near. Rafa Mir is one of them: he found some brilliance in some duels when he was even changed position. The other is En Nesyriwho is still present in the World Cup and does not throw in the towel when it comes to rediscovering the numbers that two years ago made him one of the best forwards in the League.

Sampaoli’s words are nothing new for the upper echelons of the Seville club. There is awareness of the need to actually change the current squad and it is a matter of time before movements begin to be carried out. The coach is confident in many of his pieces and that they can deliver a much higher version of the game than seen so far. Meanwhile, he follows the progression of the World Cup players out of the corner of his eye knowing that some of them will arrive in a hurry to that League duel that will serve as a new starting point for this Sevilla.

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