Home Sports The Espai Barça is left without a person in charge

The Espai Barça is left without a person in charge

The Espai Barça is left without a person in charge

Jordi Llaurado, Barcelona director responsible until yesterday for the Espai Barça project that deals with the remodeling of the Camp Nou, the urbanization of the stadium area and the construction of the Nou Palau Blaugrana, He resigned from his position yesterday, according to La Vanguardia.

In the information of the Barcelona newspaper it is specified that Llauradó, son of the one who was a candidate for the presidency of Barcelona and vice president of the club on the board of Joan Gaspart, he did not leave the board of directors, but rather resigned from his duties as head of the project and joined the club’s Foundation.

Llauradó, who is a builder by profession, was not present at the board meeting last Monday that approved the remodeling works of the stadium to be carried out by the Turkish company Limak Constructions and did not delegate his vote either.. The official reasons put forward by the club were that the manager was on a business trip and that he did not delegate so as not to incur a conflict of interest due to his professional activity.

Llauradó assures, for his part, that he does not have time to deal with this issue.

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