The effects of the climate crisis on the oceans will be more intense than previously believed

O rise in global temperatures man-made is a growing threat to marine ecosystems. This is revealed by the results of an international study of ecological modeling, recently published in the magazine Nature Climate Change.

According to researches, the negative effects of global warming intensify in the Marine animals. These suffer a increase in natural mortality, an calcification reduction in the tissues of organisms and a distribution modification in the ocean. O species interactions, a abundance is generalized decrease in biomass of these.

The research was carried out by an international scientific team of 36 researchers, two of whom were Spanish: Jose A. Fernandes and Marta Coll, specialists in big data and ecosystem modeling by AZTI, a center specializing in marine environment and food, and the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), respectively.

The effects of global warming on marine ecosystems include an increase in mortality and a decrease in species abundance and biomass

“Projections of climate change impacts on marine ecosystems reveal a long-term decline in global marine animal biomass and show that the consequences for fishing they are unevenly distributed”, state the authors.

The new simulations, much more advanced and accurate than previous ones, show that high warming and changes in the availability of nutrients and food will create a steeper decline in animal biomass in the world’s oceans than previously projected. Reducing uncertainty about how marine ecosystems will respond to the climate crisis will contribute to a more effective adaptation and mitigation planning, indicates the scientific team.

We must move towards adaptation and mitigation

“Although our results show worrying trends, we also highlight the importance of better understanding regional changes, where great uncertainties remain and, however, it is urgent to help with adaptation”, he explains. Derek Tittensor, lead author and researcher at Dalhousie University (Canada).

The results are part of the Intercomparison of Fisheries Models and Marine Ecosystems Project. (MIP-fish), an initiative that aims to clarify doubts about the future of fishing, the provision of seafood, the marine biodiversity and the operation of marine ecosystems.

“The project brings together disparate models of marine ecosystems so that we can better understand and predict the long-term impacts of the climate crisis on fisheries and marine ecosystems, and provide a database to help inform the fishing policies, climate change and biodiversity”, emphasize the researchers.

Fernandes highlights that it is a “critical moment to mitigate and adapt to climate change. We have to bet on digitization and new ways of working that allow us to be more efficient and have less impact”.

This research represents a step forward in planning future paths for sustainability and an important contribution to the sixth evaluation report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR6), which is expected to be published next year.

Furthermore, it is of special relevance for the Glasgow Climate Summit (COP26), held in November, where world leaders will discuss their commitments to combat the climate crisis.


Tittensor et al. “The next generation pool projections reveal higher climate risks to marine ecosystems.” Nature Climate Change. 2021

Source: AZTI

Rights: Creative Commons.


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