Conrad Vernon directs the film "The Addams Family 2: The Great Getaway", a sequel to the successful animated film that premiered in 2019 and that brings one of the most iconic film families back to the big screen.
On this occasion, the Addams embark on a journey with which they will try to strengthen family ties and in which they will end up living terrifyingly funny moments. "The family leaves the comfort of their home and the environment to which they are accustomed. We also explore the idea that Wednesday may not be an Addams.
In this sequel there are two very interesting novelties", says Conrad Vernon during an interview with CulturaOcio.
Conrad thinks animation was the right way to bring this mythical family back. "I was excited by the idea of being able to visualize the Addams family in the original way that Charles Addams did. Animation allowed us to explore their original designs, but also to hire actors who were not necessarily the age of their characters.", Explain.
When it comes to making a sequel, Conrad Vernon always has a few rules to follow in mind. "You don’t have to see the first movie to like the second, the characters have to do something totally different and the story has to delve into who they are."says the director.
In The Addams Family 2: The Great Getaway, Morticia and Gómez do not get along well with their children growing up, skipping family dinners at the slightest occasion and allowing themselves to be consumed by their own adolescent interests.
To reconnect as before, they decide to pack Wednesday, Pugsley, Uncle Fetid and the rest into their motorhome, and hit the road for one last terrifying family trip. This adventure across the United States will take the Addams out of their environment and make them face hilarious moments with their iconic cousin Eso and with new and peculiar characters. What could go wrong?
Charlize Theron, Oscar Isaac, Chloë Grace Moretz, Bette Midler, Bill Hader and Snoop Dogg are some of the celebrities who lend their voices in the original version of the film.