The 3 possible destinations for Marco Asensio

According to information from the English media Expressthe agents of Marco Asensio They will travel to England in the coming weeks to probe the market. The player from the Balearic Islands ends his contract on June 30 and has not yet renewed it, despite the fact that his idea is to continue forming part of the squad of the real Madrid. But, just in case, his advisers are already pulling strings so that, in the event that the meringues do not present him with an offer, he has a club to head to in the summer. At the moment, more than three teams have been interested in Asensio, but these are the ones that have paid most attention to the midfielder.

The three possible destinations for Marco Asensio

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Arsenal: has been the last team to show interest. Mikel Arteta wants to make a ‘Champions squad’ for next season, since everything indicates that the Gunners will win the Premier League and they want to continue revaluing the squad.

Liverpool: next to PSG, it is the other club that has always been on the lookout more closely. Jurgen Klopp intends to reinforce his midfield with the arrival of Asensio and will do everything possible to sign him, in case Madrid wins the game for Jude Bellingham.

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