The 2 candidates to sign Kevin Durant after his slam on the Brooklyn Nets

The basketball player is already being linked to major American basketball franchises

the eaves Kevin Durantthe superstar of the Brooklyn Netsformally requested this Thursday to be transferred to another team of the NBAUS media reported a few hours before the opening of free agency. One of the great surprises for fans of the player of the moment.

Durant, winner of two NBA rings with Golden State Warriors Y MVP being the most valuable player of the 2014 season, he is working with the general manager of brooklynSean Marks, to find a new destination, one of the most specialized journalists on the subject explained on Twitter.

Kevin Durant is leaving the Nets

The press confirms the breakup of Kevin Durant with the Brooklyn Nets

In exchange for his figure, “the Nets will seek a historic return in players and Draft choices,” added Wojnarowski, who pointed to the Phoenix Suns and Miami Heat among the teams that the forward has on his list of preferences. However, the really important thing comes in terms of its price.

Durant, 33, will prematurely cut his commitment to the Nets signed in 2021 for four seasons and $198 million. The forward landed in the Nets in 2019, after leaving the Golden State, to form a new super team with star and controversial point guard Kyrie Irving.

A few hours after the news was known, the NBA is desperate

Since then, the Nets have only made it past the first round of the playoffs once. Last season they fell to the Boston Celtics culminating a chaotic year in which Harden was traded to the Sixers and Kyrie Irving missed much of it due to his refusal to coronavirus.

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Irving, to whom the Nets are reluctant to offer a maximum long-term contract, exercised his option to renew for an additional season for $36.9 million. Durant’s trade request rocked the league just three hours before free agency officially opens.

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