Taliban completes one year in power; Afghanistan has completely changed

Taliban completes one year in power in Afghanistan - India TV Hindi News
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Taliban completes one year in power in Afghanistan


  • Today marks one year of Taliban occupation of Kabul
  • Afghanistan completely changed fundamentally
  • Taliban fighters parade on foot, bicycles

Afghanistan: Today, while the people of India are engrossed in the celebration of independence, the people of Afghanistan, which was once a neighboring country of united India, are witnessing the completion of one year of Taliban occupation. Afghanistan has completed one year today, facing all those helplessness, helplessness, atrocities-torture, restrictions-starvation and accepting it in its destiny. August 15th is a day of pride, valor and victory for India, but for Afghanistan, it is a day of defeat and the fall of their country as a nation and the shackles of the Taliban.

Taliban celebrates, takes out victory parade

It has been a year since the Taliban captured Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, on 15 August. The country has fundamentally changed completely after the Tilbani rule over Afghanistan. On 15 August, Taliban fighters carried out a victory parade on the streets of Kabul on foot, on bicycles and on motor cycles, with some carrying rifles. A small group also raised slogans of ‘Islam Zindabad’ and ‘America Murdabad’ as they passed in front of the former US embassy.

‘Narkistan’ has been made for women

A lot has changed in Afghanistan in a year. The economic downturn has forced millions more Afghan citizens into poverty. Meanwhile, the dominance of radicals in the Taliban-led government seems to be increasing. The government has imposed restrictions on education and employment opportunities for girls and women, while the Taliban initially promised the opposite. Even after a year, girls are not allowed to go to school and women have to cover themselves from head to toe in public places.

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A year ago ‘Kabul’s fort was demolished’

A year ago, thousands of Afghan citizens arrived at Kabul International Airport to leave the country to escape Taliban rule. America had withdrawn its army from Afghanistan after 20 years of war and such situations were created. On this occasion, former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani defended his decision to leave the country, saying that he wanted to avoid the humiliation of surrender to the rebels. He told CNN that when the Taliban reached Kabul on the morning of August 15, 2021, they were the only ones left in the Rashtrapati Bhavan because all their security personnel were missing.

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