Home World Taliban celebrating the capture of Kabul by dancing on Drake? It’s wrong

Taliban celebrating the capture of Kabul by dancing on Drake? It’s wrong

Taliban celebrating the capture of Kabul by dancing on Drake? It's wrong

Taliban, Kalashnikovs in hand, dancing on the Drake to celebrate the capture of Kabul, Afghanistan? In recent days, a viral video has flooded the web. In the image, a dozen men, almost all armed and dressed in traditional clothes, dance happily and seem to celebrate an event.


For many Internet users, no doubts, these men are Taliban in the process of being proud of the capture of Kabul from the Afghan armed forces. Surprisingly, these men who are supposed to respect Islamic law, the charria, in its strictest version, dance to a western song: the song In my feelings, by Canadian rapper Drake.

You do not believe in it ? You do well. Indeed this video was visible online long before the reconquest of Afghanistan by the Taliban, but also because the hit of Drake was added to the assembly.


This first appeared on YouTube on March 25, 2021, under the name “DJ Bannu Dance”. The title suggests that this video is from Pakistan, Bannu being the name of a city and a district.

Other occurrences of the video, published in March and April (here and there), indicate that these men are celebrating a wedding, and are part of an Afghan and Pakistani ethnic group, the Pashtuns. On the videos published during this period, no trace of Drake’s piece, only traditional instrumental music. Sorry for the rapper’s fans, the track has indeed been added for the buzz.

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