Home Sports Strava and the UCI extend World Bicycle Day in June

Strava and the UCI extend World Bicycle Day in June

Strava and the UCI extend World Bicycle Day in June

The Strava social network and the International Cycling Union (UCI) have decided that the celebration of World Bicycle Day will not take place only on June 3but that it lasts throughout the month.

For this reason Strava and the UCI have launched a challenge from June 3 to 30 in which they invite cyclists from all over the world to continue using the bicycle when doing sports or as a means of transport, and with which they intend to complete a total sum of 20 million miles in the month of June among all the activities registered in Strava until June 30. (Click here to sign up for the challenge)

This new challenge from Strava and the UCI is part of the Strava Metro project, which aims to help the institutions of cities and regions to plan and improve infrastructures and thus promote active transport and active mobility in their territory. In this way, Strava will offer anonymous data from its users to cities and regions distinguished with the UCI Bike City and UCI Bike Region label, which, in addition to hosting major UCI events, also invest in the development and growth of cycling in their areas.

David Lappartient, president of the UCI, thus celebrated the agreement with Strava for World Bicycle Day. “The UCI is delighted with this first partnership with Strava, this major player that provides a key service for millions of active cyclists around the world, whether they cycle for sport or active mobility. By launching a challenge on Strava for World Bicycle Day, the UCI aims to celebrate cycling and encourage more people to use bicycles instead of motorized vehicles for short commutes, as well as help promote Strava Metro, which it is an invaluable tool for cycling infrastructure planning.”

for his part Brian Bell, Strava’s Global Vice President of Communication and Social Impact highlighted the impact this challenge can have. “The way we travel to and from our various destinations has changed significantly in recent years. Strava is proud to be the platform that helps local governments and urban planners improve cycling infrastructure in communities around the world. by providing free, anonymous and aggregated data through Strava Metro. With the launch of the UCI World Bike Day challenge on Strava we hope even more people around the world will be encouraged to celebrate the joy of cycling not just one day, but all year long.”

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