Steve Kerr: Stephen Curry is the modern Michael Jordan

The debate about who is the best player today in the nba, once more has been opened; this time an authorized voice and that was partner of Michael Jordan broke the silence

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Steve Kerr, current coach of the Golden State Warriors and that he was a companion of Michael Jordan in the Chicago Bulls Champions of three-peat from 96 to 98; he recognized the talent of Steph Curry.

“He is the modern MJ”pointed out emphatically Kerr, who also got the Larry O’Brien with the san antonio spurs on two occasions.

During the game in Capitol One Arenabetween the GS Warriors and the Washington Wizardsthe fans present did not stop chanting in unison: ‘MVP, MVP…’Thanks to the great performance of Chef Curry on the stave

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“I used to see this playing with the Bulls. Half the crowd had red jerseys with the number 23 and now half have blue and yellow jerseys with the number 30.”Kerr noted.

Stephen Curry shined last season for the NBA title

Steve Kerrwho adds his ninth year as coach of Curry in the warriorsspared no praise for the two-time NBA MVP and the current Finals MVP.

Steph transcends the game. He provokes an emotion in peopleI think, because he is so impressive with his game that no matter where we go, there are people who cheer him on and can’t wait to see him perform,” he said.

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“Jordan and Curry are generational talents who changed basketball in their own way,” ended.

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