Spider-Man: No Way Home: Jacob Batalon (Ned) explains the rumors sending him to Hobgoblin

The end of Spider-Man: No Way Home will not have been easy for Peter Parker. After a clash with the Green Goblin, Doctor Strange must have worked to perform a spell that caused the whole planet to forget who it was. Peter Parker. Result, the weaver has lost the one that is dear to him (Zendaya GM) and his best friend (Ned) who no longer remember who he is. Even though the cast members of No Way Home assured that GM could remember Peter in the future, the fans were inflamed vis-à-vis Nedthinking that this new start would introduce the Hobgoblin or “Super-Buffoon”.

The fictional character appears for the first time in the comic book The Amazing Spider-Man #238 in March 1983. Several names have endorsed the costume as Roderick Kingsley, Arnold Donovan, Ned Leeds, Jason Macendale, Robin Bourne and Hans Steanon. In the comics, the Ned’s Hobgoblin confronts Spiderman and dies assassinated by his successor, Jason Macendale (by order of Richard Fisk, the Kingpin’s son).

Near variety, Jacob Batallon wanted to remain discreet about his situation. This way of kicking in touch clearly implies the imminent return of his character, perhaps with a surprise:

“In all my years working for Marvel, I feel like I learned not to say anything. I can’t really talk about things and then say something that might be true that I might mess up, you know what I mean? »

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