Sörloth will not continue at Real Sociedad

The Real society It seems that you have already decided that you are not going to execute the purchase option that you have agreed with the Red Bull Leipzig for Alexander Sorloth, who seems to end up returning to the German team after his loan at Anoeta. The Norwegian is playing a lot of minutes under the orders of Imanol Alguacil, but this does not seem to be enough for the San Sebastian team to agree to pay what they agreed with the German team last summer.

As the newspaper notes ACE, the Basque team is not willing to pay for the Norwegian footballer since he is not as decisive as they expected him to be this season and this puts the striker himself in serious trouble, who does not have a future in the German team either. Leipzig has already contacted his agent to inform him that his wish is for him to find a new team where he can continue his career, but not as a loan, they want to part with his services permanently and not only that, but they have also indicated that they want to earn 16 million euros for its sale.

Turkey, its main destination

Alexander Sorloth It seems that he has in mind to return to Turkey to redirect his career since he had a magnificent season there at Trabzosnpor, where he scored 24 goals. The performance that the Norwegian had in the Turkish Super League added to the situation he is currently experiencing has made both Trabzonspor and Besiktas interested in signing him, although it remains to be seen if they are willing to cover Leipzig’s economic expectations . What is very clear is that he will not continue at Real Sociedad beyond June 30.

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