
Is “Oatzempic” effective? The trendy drink for losing weight

“Oatzempic” is the trending drink on social media, especially on TikTok, for those trying to lose weight.We explain what is behind the “slimming drink”...

The Voyager 1 probe is sending information back to Earth after five months of doing nothing

Updated: April 23, 2024 | 18:28 April 23, 2024 | 18:27 For the first time...

Annular solar eclipse 2024. Argentina and Chile with privileged views

An annular solar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the moon passes by Exactly The star faces the Sun but is furthest...

Pablo Álvarez will be the third Spanish astronaut able to travel into space after graduating

The aeronautical engineer Pablo Alvarezgraduated this Monday European Astronaut Center of the European Space Agency (ESA) after one year Training at the highest leveland...

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