Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan will soon appear in the film ‘Atrangi Re’ with actors Akshay Kumar and Dhanush. The trailer for this movie was released a few days ago, which has created a scandal on social media as soon as it arrives. Atrangi Re is a romantic drama film, in which Sara Ali Khan will be seen confused between two people. Meanwhile, Sara shared a photo with film director Aanand L Rai and thanked him.
In the photo shared by Sara Ali Khan, she is seen from the film set. He wears a pink dupatta around his neck and a brown sweater. Sara is seen smiling with her head on Anand Rai’s shoulder. On the other hand, Anand Rai wears a blue and red jacket. You can see a very good union between the two in this photo. With these photos, he wrote in the caption: “Happy Thanksgiving, I am very grateful to Aanand L Rai sir. Thanks for giving me Rinku … But the image is yet to come ”
In the movie Atrangi Re, Sara Ali Khan plays the character of a girl named Rinku, who is absolutely great. The movie trailer is a lot of fun, in which you see fun and comedy. The trailer shows that Dhanush and Sara are forcibly married. They both don’t want to be together. Sara says that she has run away from home many times. After this, their relationship also goes through many ups and downs in changing circumstances. Meanwhile, a forceful entry from Akshay Kumar has also been shown. You can guess from the trailer that this movie is going to be very spicy.