Team India captain Rohit Sharma is trending after scoring in the third T20 match against Afghanistan. Rohit Sharma's explosive knock in this innings made fans forget the heartache of the World Cup defeat. Furthermore, to date, no other batsman in the world has been able to achieve such miracles as the attitude that Rohit Sharma has shown after turning 30 years of age. Rohit Sharma has shown that he is the greatest sixer king in the world. Now even experienced cricketers like Chris Gayle and Sanath Jayasuriya pale in comparison to Rohit's brilliance. Moreover, experienced players like McCullum and Gilchrist, who once terrified bowlers with long sixes, are not even close to Rohit Sharma."text-align: justify;">Rohit Sharma is the player who has hit the most sixes in international cricket after the age of 30. Rohit Sharma has hit 397 sixes after turning 30. Rohit Sharma can easily hit 400 sixes in the Test series against England starting January 25 and will become the first cricketer to achieve this milestone in international cricket after turning 30.
Big giants left Rohit Sharma far behind
Before Rohit Sharma, the record for most sixes after the age of 30 belonged to Chris Gayle. Chris Gayle has hit 321 sixes in international cricket after crossing the age of 30. Third in the list is former Sri Lanka captain Sanath Jayasuriya, who hit 227 sixes. New Zealand's star player Bradham McCullum hit 203 sixes. Pakistan's Mohammad Hafeez hit 198 sixes after crossing the age of 30. Adam Gilchrist's name is also included in this list and after crossing the age of 30, he scored 194 sixes in international cricket.