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Rodri becomes giant

Rodri becomes giant

the boy who passed through the quarries of Spanish, Barcelona and Athletic of Madrid was made elderly. Rodri Sanchez sign the best season of his career after winning the trust Manuel’s pellegrini and be the protagonist in this Betis. seven assists that make him the leader of goal passes of the squad so far this season. alternates entitlements with sporadic appearances while waiting for the future to reward her merits: she strongly aims to be one of the basic pieces from the Pellegrini campus in the season 23-24.

It is precisely Manuel pellegrini one of the incentives maximums in the youth squad growth. The Chilean I trust him when it seemed that he had a reduced space for it and the answer from Talayuela was outstanding. In this campaign, your jump was final and aspires to be player with more weight in every way in the future of the equipment verdiblanco. For this, his arguments are on the table after a year in which competition multiplied and he did not hesitate to take a leap to avoid it based on performance.

But market It is also found present in this history. The footballer has contract until 2026 after one renewal which, however, did not equate him at the salary level with a large part of the Betic squad. He summer promises incentives, although the wishes of all parties claim that Rodri’s future continues to leave flashes of talent in Heliopolis.

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