River: Kranevitter accelerates the set-up and will play in the Reserve

Midfielder Matías Kranevitter was called up to play for River this Saturday with the Reserve against Talleres de Córdoba, as part of his preparation after a fracture suffered last year, after occupying the substitute bench against Boca Juniors in Sunday’s Superclásico past.

The 29-year-old from Tucumán wore the River Plate shirt officially for the last time in the 3-0 loss with Barcelona on December 20, 2015 for the Club World Cup final he was opposing in Japan.

Passion for the Red Band

“I am the one who wants to play again the most. People always support me and that is very important on a day-to-day basis,” Kranevitter said in dialogue with Télam, 48 hours after the game that River will play against Talleres this Sunday afternoon. date 16 of the Professional League.

“All the support I receive is a plus for day to day, I really enjoy being here in this great institution. I’m a fan of the club, I came back for the shirt and for the desire to be there, I hope I get to play as soon as possible,” he reiterated the tucumano.

Kranevitter began his career at River and emigrated to Europe at the beginning of 2016 to play first for Atlético Madrid, then for Sevilla and finally for Zenit in Russia, before moving on to Rayados de Monterrey in Mexico.

“Colo” Kranevitter was one of River’s first reinforcements in the era of DT Martín Demichelis, but in his debut in the friendly against the Chileans of Unión La Calera on December 12, when there were barely six minutes left, he suffered a fracture ankle after a tough foul by César Pérez.

That injury led to a long inactivity and subsequent rehabilitation, which only allowed him to be called up again on the occasion of the last Superclásico.

“I have full confidence in Martín, I was lucky to share a squad with him in the National Team and train together. Physically I feel good and I will surely pick up my pace little by little, since I started training with the team not long ago “, he explained.

“After having been unemployed for so long, it’s hard to come back and above all to catch up with your teammates, you have to make a big effort to keep up. During this time without being able to play, emotionally and mentally I was strong, I feel very strong, that’s positive”, added the player.

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“More screws than a door”

Kranevitter had already had a significant injury in 2014, shortly after the arrival of Marcelo Gallardo to the technical direction, when he suffered a fissure in the fifth metatarsal that left him absent in the second part of the year, including the match against Boca de la Copa South American.

That is why he used irony to talk about the operation to which he was subjected: “I think they put more screws in me than a door, that’s why stepping back, running, putting my leg in takes time,” said the man from Tucuman.

The midfielder had started the year with great chances of starting in midfield alongside Enzo Pérez from Mendoza, but that injury sidelined him and now he must earn the position.

“I think it’s very good to see my teammates train, that was always an extra motivation. When you have to be outside you think about a lot of things, but when you can train and compete, you work hard to be able to be there for the weekend” added Kranevitter.

The Superclásico from the bench

In the talk with the man from Tucumán, the Superclásico last Sunday that River won 1-0 at the Monumental with an agonizing goal from the Colombian Miguel Borja, through a controversial penalty awarded by referee Darío Herrera, of very weak performance to the point, was not overlooked. that he was stopped by the College of Referees and will not direct this date.

“It was very exciting to have been on the field (he was part of the substitute bench) after being away from the club for so long. The Superclásico was something very special for me. Outside you live it with full adrenaline, more like the game was, very even and disputed, as are all the Superclásicos”, he commented.

Lastly, Kranevitter referred to his immediate goals at River: “I think the goal is to be able to play, that’s the first thing; then get well to be able to continue. That will be the main thing, then day by day the rest will give me.” , he concluded.

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