Home World Restriction on entry of camels at Hajj places

Restriction on entry of camels at Hajj places

Restriction on entry of camels at Hajj places

Riyadh: The Saudi government has banned camels from entering Hajj sites as a precautionary measure.

According to Arab media, the ban has been imposed by the Saudi Ministry of Environment and Water, which has begun to be implemented.

Camels will be banned from entering Mina, Muzdalifah and Arafat during the Hajj season. The ban is intended to prevent the transmission of the virus from animals to humans.

Engineer Saeed Al-Ghamdi, director of the Makkah Mukarramah Region Ministry of Environment and Water, said the move was taken as a precautionary measure in view of respiratory illness in camels.

He said that doctors have been appointed for the medical examination of the animals who will be in charge of examining the animals coming through the Islamic port of Jeddah.

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