Home Sports RCD Mallorca needs Girona to sign Paco Alcácer

RCD Mallorca needs Girona to sign Paco Alcácer

From the vermilion square they await the arrival of the ram

The RCD Majorca keep an eye on the market as it needs to strengthen its offense and one of the names that causes the most sensation is Paco Alcacer. The Forward that acts for him Villarreal CF He has not had the minutes he expected in the La Cerámica team, so he waits for an exit once the market opens.

In this way it is that the team that plays in They are Moix will have to wait for the Girona make a major move. And it is that the painting that commands Michel on the Second division he wants to have high-level troops and they have noticed an element of the vermilion team to try the promotion.

Cadiz Alcacer
Alcácer could land at Mallorca

Mallorca is still attentive to the signing of Paco Alcácer

In that order of ideas and for Mallorca to be able to get the signing of Paco Alcácer, the target is Matthew Hoppe. The American attacker barely has minutes at the club, so the sports department has determined his departure so that he has continuity. This is where those from Montilivi want to take advantage.

Aiming at Paco Alcácer, Mallorca would welcome the release of quotas to be able to secure the former FC Barcelona. The priority for the moment is none other than to sell first, so that they can finally make a high-level incorporation. Hope, is the one to open that space.

The former Barcelona striker could reach the vermilion

Let us remember that Girona have Darío Sarmiento on their starting folder and for this reason they are desperately looking for a replacement. In this way, they would make the move with the Hope striker, which in turn could determine the arrival of the player who knew how to shine at Borussia Dortmund.

Then we will have to wait for what may happen with the departures and arrivals in Mallorca. At the moment Paco Alcácer is the obsession of a sports management that will spare no effort for the arrival of a first-rate footballer. Without a doubt it will be a market full of surprises.

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