Puerto Rico and the country relaunch an alliance to promote development

President Luis Abinader and the Governor of Puerto Rico, Pedro Pierluisi, signed a joint statement for a strategic alliance between both countries that ratifies the Aguadilla agreement of 2009, which seeks to strengthen ties and exchange in different areas for the development of both nations.

Antoliano Peralta, Legal Consultant of the Executive Power, was in charge of reading the declaration that he seeks strengthen the systems of education, technical labor training, and higher education among the signatory states.

In addition to encouraging complementary actions that promote manufacturing, agricultural technification, services and other activities that guarantee jobs for both nations.

“The signing of this instrument will further strengthen the ties that bind us to our brother country of Puerto Rico … Puerto Rico It is our first natural border that we have with the United States, our main trading partner. With US $ 500 million in exports per year, Puerto Rico represents 10% of exports to the American market”Said Abinader.
In turn, the Governor of the Commonwealth of the United States stated that he will continue to support technical, political, scientific and economic exchange with the Dominican government.

“Our peoples share many of the same challenges that daily move our governments and our people, to fight and work in search of the prosperity that we all aspire to … that is why this agreement that we signed today reaffirms that we have the courage to work together towards the goals that we share, ”Pierluisi said when speaking.

Both leaders stressed that in the last 35 years, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico have signed the same number of strategic alliances.

Abinader recalled that Since 1985 to date, more than thirty agreements have been signed in the areas of cooperation, security, trade, agriculture, education, culture, environment., among other.

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The president maintained that the economic and commercial complementarity between both nations, the presence of an important Dominican diaspora, The DR-Cafta free trade agreement and the recent H2-B visa facilities, places the two peoples in an extremely favorable economic situation and that it can be exploited to the maximum and he said that there are many ties that unite their countries in this shared history, and that with this alliance, they begin to write again.

The signing was carried out in the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Álvarez, and the rest of the Puerto Rican delegation.

The Legal consultant, Antoliano Peralta read the summary of the signing of the Joint Declaration that seeks to encourage the complementarity of both economies, promoting manufacturing, agricultural technification, services and other initiatives that create jobs for both partners.

For the Dominican Republic, former President Hipólito Mejía; the Ministers of Foreign Relations, Roberto Álvarez and the Administrative Office of the Presidency, José Ignacio Paliza.

While the foreign authorities were the Secretary of State of Puerto Rico, Omar Marrero; the Charge d’Affaires of the US Embassy, ​​Robert W Thomas and the Secretary of Economic Development of Puerto Rico.

The initiative seeks to encourage complementary actions that promote manufacturing, agricultural technification, services and other activities that guarantee jobs for both nations.

The Governor of the Commonwealth of the United States stated that he will continue to support technical, political, scientific and economic exchange with the Dominican government.

Since 1985 to date, more than thirty agreements have been signed between both countries, in areas of cooperation, security, trade, agriculture, education, culture, environment, among others.


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