The excitement of IPL is speaking rashly. Amid this excitement, the problems of Prithvi Shaw, the young starting star for Delhi Capitals, have increased. Two months ago, Sapla arrived at the Mumbai court in connection with a fight with social media influencer Sapna Gill. Sapna has filed a criminal case against Prithvi Shaw and her friend before the Andheri magistrate.
Social media influencer Sapna Gill accused Prithvi Shaw of touching her inappropriately and attacking her with a bat to drive her away. Making allegations, Sapna requested to register an FIR under articles 354, 509 and 324 of the IPC. Giving information in this regard, Sapna’s lawyer said that a complaint has also been filed against the airport police station. According to Gill, when the incident occurred, the airport police refused to register a case against Prithvi. Sapna Gill’s lawyer said the matter will be heard on April 17.
Significantly, Sapna Gill was previously arrested in this case as well. On February 16, Oshiwara police arrested Gill for allegedly assaulting Shaw at Mumbai’s Barrel Mansion Club nightclub. The controversy arose over the issue of taking a selfie with Shaw. Four days after the incident, a court granted bail to Sapna Gill and three others accused of assaulting Shaw and hitting his car with a baseball bat. Let us tell you that Prithvi Shaw is currently playing IPL for Delhi Capitals. Although his bat hasn’t played yet and he hasn’t been able to play big innings for the team.