Home World Presidential 2022: Bruno Retailleau announces that he is not a candidate

Presidential 2022: Bruno Retailleau announces that he is not a candidate

Presidential 2022: Bruno Retailleau announces that he is not a candidate

The leader of senators LR Bruno Retailleau announced this Friday, August 27, to give up being a candidate for the presidential election of 2022, saying that he was not “best placed to beat Emmanuel Macron”.

“Today, applications are multiplying,” told the Figaro the elected representative of Vendée, classified on the right among the Republicans: “I will not add to this dispersion. Lucidity is to recognize in all sincerity that I am not in the best position to beat Emmanuel Macron ”.

This withdrawal accompanies that of Laurent Wauquiez. Indeed, this Thursday, August 26, President LR of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region had also given up being a candidate for the right-wing primary in view of the 2022 presidential election.

Currently, five political figures from the right have formalized their candidacy: MP Eric Ciotti, Xavier Bertrand, Valérie Pécresse, Philippe Juvin and Michel Barnier.

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