Home Sports President Abinader delivers revamped Santo Domingo Este sports complex

President Abinader delivers revamped Santo Domingo Este sports complex

Presidente Abinader entrega remozado complejo deportivo Santo Domingo Este

President Luis Abinader, together with the Minister of Sports, Francisco Camacho, delivered this Thursday completely renovated the San José de Mendoza sports complex in the Santo Domingo Este municipality.

The important facility received modifications to its basketball and volleyball courts, baseball stadium, and children’s areas, with an investment of more than 12 million pesos.

In less than two weeks, this is the second major facility delivered by the Government headed by Abinader, who inaugurated the completely rebuilt sports center of that municipality last Sunday in Pedernales.

The basketball court of San José de Mendoza underwent repairs to the backboard, the stands, and bathrooms, while the baseball stadium and children’s areas were completely modified. The complex was also illuminated in all its areas.

Minister Camacho delivered the central words of the act in which he highlighted the actions of President Abinader in favor of sport.

"President Abinader only had to arrive to remind himself of the athletes, of the youth, and to give him his house so that they feel comfortable"he stressed.

"The first instruction that our president gave us was to solve the problems of sports in each of the neighborhoods, because our great athletes come from the neighborhoods."said Minister Camacho.

Father Rudy Belén made the invocation to God, while Gregorio Reyes, president of Club Mendoza, thanked the community for the delivery of the sports complex.

Present at the event were Altagracia Julia Drullard, governor of the Santo Domingo province; Senator Antonio Taveras Guzmán; the mayor of Santo Domingo Este, Manuel Jiménez; the Vice Ministers of Sports, Franklin De la Mota, Kennedy Vargas, Jojnny Peña, Juan Vila and Leopoldo Portes Soler, as well as Mélido Torres, Director of Degrees, Marcos De León, Director of Beautification, among others.

Danilo Recio, in charge of Supervision of the Ministry of Sports, detailed part of the work.

"This complex was completely repaired, more than 40 lights were placed there, the population of Santo Domingo Este has another facility to carry out their sports practice correctly"said the engineer Recio.

He added that important structures have been being rescued from that portfolio, complying with the guidelines established by the Government headed by President Luis Abinader.

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