Home Sports Pradilla leads the comeback

Pradilla leads the comeback

Pradilla leads the comeback

Valencia Basket took their sixth victory (70-76) to close the first round of the Eurocup at the Ratiopharm Ulm court. Those of Joan Peñarroya went 15 down to rest, with a very poor first half, low rhythm and without success in the triple (0 of 18 until the first of Josep Puerto; 4 of 32 at the end). The defense improved after the break and Jaime Pradilla emerged to believe in the comeback. Jasiel rivero (12 points and 11 rebounds for a PIR of 21) dominated painting in the last quarter to close a hard-working win in European competition.

The taronja started with their heads elsewhere in the Ratiopharm Arena. Erratic from the beginning in the shooting, only the interiors were a solution in attack. While, Felicio, Christon, Thornwell and Blossomgame (four former NBA) they dominated the first minutes at will. When the figure of Tobey, the lighthouse at the beginning, went out, Dubljevic and Pradilla, subscribed to the mate club, with actions that show a remarkable physical evolution, they kept the team alive, but the Germans smelled the blood and continued to attack the rim with determination before the soft defense of those of Peñarroya, whose timeouts did not imply a change in trend in the meeting. And although Jasiel Rivero joined the party, the team of the culture of effort bled from 6.75 (0 of 15 in the first half, with 0 of 6 of Prepelic) and he could not find answers to the physique and the infinite arms of the group led by Jaka Lakovic. Plus 15 at halftime (42-27).

The passage through changing rooms, Yes indeed, completely changed the game. The NBA of Ratiopharm Ulm, who gave so much during the first half, came up with pointless triples (0 of 7) and Valencia Basket understood that they had to chip away at the paint to look for a comeback That seemed like a chimera in the first 20 minutes of the game. With Pradilla at a superlative level, projecting his best numbers in the competition, and loading the rebound, Peñarroya’s efforts began to cement step by step. To get an idea of ​​the mistake, Josep Puerto scored the first triple taronja with three minutes remaining in the last quarter. Tobey joined the party with his particular mechanics for a two of 23. But with a 13-25 partial, the reaction was served. 55-52, three, to face the last ten minutes.

Van Rossom put it to one to open the last quarter and Puerto (how he has grown this season with Peñarroya) scored his second triple to put Valencia Basket ahead for the first time on the scoreboard (55-57). The distance forged by the canterano de l’Alqueria was maintained until the last moments, until López-Arostegui appeared from the corner with his first triple on his fourth attempt to put the lace. The forward himself added two points that would be +7. The comeback became a reality in Ulm with a superlative Rivero hitting under the basket (11 rebounds) despite Christon’s triple to give life to the last seconds. There was no more story.

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