Home World Peru’s first female president takes office

Peru’s first female president takes office

Peru's first female president takes office

LIMA: Vice President Dina Bolvarate took over as President of the Latin American country of Peru a day after the dismissal of Pedro Castillo, she is the first female President of Peru.

Yesterday, the President of Peru, Pedro Castillo, was removed from office after the successful impeachment motion, Pedro Castillo announced the dissolution of Congress as President.

After hours of political uncertainty, Vice President Dina Bolvarte has finally taken over as the country’s new president. The 60-year-old Bolvarte will remain president until July 26, 2026.

It should be noted that yesterday the president of Peru was arrested and locked up in the police station for trying to dissolve the parliament.

Peru’s armed forces declared the dissolution of parliament unconstitutional, with members of the Peruvian parliament arguing that the president had created a constitutional crisis by attempting to dissolve parliament.

Dina Bolvarete, a Peruvian politician, was sworn in as interim president in his place.

Dina Bolvarte Addressing the parliament, she said that she is assuming the office of president from today until July 26, 2026. She said that I am accepting this position knowing that I have a lot of responsibilities.

“My first priority will be to seek the widest possible unity among all Peruvians,” said Peru’s first female president.

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