Peru: Dina sworn in as new president after Castillo’s ouster

In the South American country of Peru, Vice President Dina Bolvarete was sworn in as the country’s new president.

Former President Pedro Castillo was dismissed on Wednesday by Congress after passing a motion of impeachment on corruption charges, after which Castillo dissolved Congress and imposed a state of emergency.

In his televised address, Castillo announced that a transitional government would rule the country and that a new constitution would be drawn up after holding elections for a new congress in 9 months.

The country’s constitutional court found Pedro Castillo guilty of attempted coup in the country, after which the Peruvian armed forces and the national police said in a statement that the institutions respect the constitutional order and will not take any action in the opposite direction.

Former Peruvian President Pedro Castillo accused the opposition of a conspiracy in a last-ditch effort to avoid impeachment during a dramatic day in Lima.

After Castillo’s ouster, Bolvarte was elected as the country’s first female president, Bolvarte’s entrance into Congress, the first female president, was greeted enthusiastically. Speaking after taking the oath, he said that attempts have been made to lead the institutions towards destruction, but these institutions are fully standing on their feet.

He said that my first task is to establish an atmosphere of unity and solidarity among all the inhabitants of Peru. It is of great importance to us to start a dialogue with each other. I call for a broad dialogue between all political forces.

Bolvarate said she will respect the basic rights of citizens and aims to realize the political and economic reforms the country needs.

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