Home Sports Pedro Antonio’s Stars win at the start of the LM tournament

Pedro Antonio’s Stars win at the start of the LM tournament

Pedro Antonio's Stars win at the start of the LM tournament

Pedro Antonio’s Stars defeated Oscar’s Stars 12-4 in the opening match of the 53rd internal baseball tournament of the Mercedes Sports League.

Omar Ortiz was the most outstanding hitter, firing two home runs. The winning pitcher was Johan Saldaña, while the losing pitcher was Argenis Peña. The match was broadcast by Coral 39.

The tournament will continue this Tuesday the 28th of this month in the stadiums of the Mercedes Sports League and the Juan Pablo Duarte Olympic Center starting at two in the afternoon.

Fair number 53 was inaugurated last Saturday and is dedicated to Mr. Víctor -Ito- Bisonó, Minister of Industry, Commerce and Mipymes (MICM), for his entire collaboration with the institution.

The opening ceremony, held at the Liga Deportiva Mercedes stadium, began with the parade of the participating teams to the beat of the music band of the Air Force of the Dominican Republic. Then, the patriotic song and raising of the national and league flags was carried out by the music band of the Army of the Dominican Republic by Rubén Hernández, sports director of the O&M University, as well as by Mr. veteran journalist Luis Fernández.

The invocation to the Almighty was made by Miguelina Mercedes Amador. Meanwhile, the words of welcome were given by sports director Luis Mercedes, president of the organizing entity, who pondered the great work that Ito Bisonó has been doing at the head of MICM.

“The Mercedes League feels honored by the launch of the 53rd edition of its tournament, and even more so for choosing Víctor -Ito- Bisonó as its honoree,” said Mercedes.

Next, a plaque was delivered that consecrates the dedication to Bisonó, who was represented by Joel Acevedo.

Then, the boy Edward Rosario Marte was responsible for taking the sports oath.

After the protocol ceremony, Acevedo launched the first ball, which was hit by Rear Admiral (ARD) José Muñoz Monción. The recipient of honor was Rafael Fanety, representing Carolina Mejía, mayor of the National District, and the referee of honor was Dr. Luis Scheker Ortiz.

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