A few days ago, the launch event of the ‘Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Center’ made headlines. Stars from Bollywood to Hollywood took part in this special Ambani family show. Photos and videos of celebrities dominate social networks. Meanwhile, a photo of Boney Kapoor with American model Gigi Hadid is going more and more viral on the internet, so netizens are trolling the producer fiercely.
In the viral image, Gigi Hadidi can be seen wearing a gold and white saree. She has matched the sari with a golden blouse. Gigi’s sari featured intricate chikankari work. People really liked this traditional aspect of her. At the same time, she is seen Boney Kapoor wearing a black bandhgala kurta. In this photo, Boney Kapoor has posed keeping her hand on Gigi Hadid’s waist.
Patli kamariya tori haaye haaye haaye pic.twitter.com/u0DBdwZfE8
—SwatKat💃 (@swatic12) April 3, 2023
First Varun, now Boney Kapoor. gigi be like pic.twitter.com/yjiaHk7GpZ
Shaurin (@itsSSG_) April 3, 2023
In the photo, Gigi Hadid is looking at the camera, while Boney Kapoor is seen looking at her. Mims has rained on social media regarding this image and they are making fun of Boney Kapoor. A user has shared the Alia Bhatt meme from the movie Raazi, on which is written ‘I want to go home’. At the same time, another user wrote: ‘First Varun Dhawan and Boney Kapoor’.
close enough#BoneyKapoor #gigihadid #NMAC pic.twitter.com/B9W0VSl8It
—Himalaya Kankariya (@himalayahere) April 4, 2023
Boney Kapoor be like crab mai toh chalta hai pic.twitter.com/iOid79zlOn
— M. (@anxietttttyyyyy) April 4, 2023
According to gayrukhpur wale Boney Kapoor is a global star as he not only poses for a photo with Gigi Hadid but holds up her slim waist 😭🤣 pic.twitter.com/shyiCwKv3V
— ∫a〽️ir (@stanRadhe) April 3, 2023
Varun Dhawan is known to have performed with Gigi Hadid at the ‘Neeta Mukesh Ambani Cultural Center’ launch event. A video surfaced showing Varun Dhawan picking up Gigi Hadid and kissing her on the cheek, but netizens didn’t like the actor’s behavior and he was later heavily criticized. After this, the actor had to give a clarification and while he was posting in the tweet, he said that he was already planning to pick up Gigi Hadid during the performance.