PAK vs ENG: Butler will be out of the whole series against Pakistan, this player will take command of England

Jos Buttler - India TV Hindi News
Image source: AP
joseph butler


  • Big blow for England ahead of Pakistan series
  • Captain Jos Buttler will be out of the entire series!
  • This player can become the captain of England

PAK vs. ING: Now there is only one month left for the start of the T20 World Cup. Before that, all the teams have started preparations. In this sequence, the Pakistan team will also play a long 7 match T20 series against England. However, before this series, England have suffered a major setback. The news is that England captain and lethal batsman Jos Buttler will not be able to play in every game of this series. Even before this great series, this is very bad news for the England team.

Big hit for England

England limited overs captain Jos Buttler will miss the full seven-match T20I series against Pakistan from 20 September due to a leg injury. However, reports suggest he may be considered for the final two matches. This series is very important for England in view of the T20 World Cup that will take place in Australia next month. The Cricket Council for England and Wales (ECB) wants to make sure their captain stays in tip-top shape for this mega-event.

joseph butler

Image source: AP

joseph butler

Moeen Ali will be the team captain

According to a Daily Mail report, the batsman has been advised to take it easy, which means the multi-talented Moeen Ali will lead the team in the T20 matches in Karachi, after which the action will move to Lahore. Buttler, 32, hinted Thursday that he might play in the final two games after consulting doctors. He said that he is on the tour because he wants to develop a relationship with the new white ball coach, Matthew Maut. He said that the picture in this regard will clear up in a week or so.

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moeen ali

Image source: AP

moeen ali

Butler said this when playing

Butler said: “When I return to Pakistan after a long time as captain, it is important for me to play the match or not.” This is the first Pakistani tour of England since 2005. We inform that the English team has arrived in Pakistan on Thursday for this tour. However, it will be special to see if England captain Jos Buttler himself steps onto the pitch even once in this series. Butler’s absence from the team is a huge blow. This player starts the innings for England in this format and is famous around the world for scoring runs.

joseph butler

Image Source: TWITTER

joseph butler

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