Home Sports Official: Kang-in Lee signs for PSG

Official: Kang-in Lee signs for PSG

Official: Kang-in Lee signs for PSG

PSG have confirmed the signing of Kang-in Lee, a 22-year-old attacker, for the next five seasons. The former Mallorca player lands in the French capital for five million euros and, although it has been rumored in recent days that there were discrepancies in the price, the reality is that the agreement with the vermillions was complete for weeks and He only needed to shape his five-year contract.

Kang-in Lee becomes PSG’s sixth signing in this market after Skriniar, Lucas Hernández, Ndour, Asensio and Manuel Ugarte. From the outset, the Korean expressed his intention to play for PSG, even more so after finding out that Luis Enrique, who was presented this Wednesday as the new coach, was going to direct him during the next season. His performance in La Liga last season, accumulating 13 goal appearances, 6 goals and 7 assists, has been key for Luis Campos to decide to sign him.

The arrival of Kang-In Lee is a breath of fresh air for the PSG attack, which suffered last season from a lack of troops to rest Mbappé, Neymar or Messi. With Asensio, the former Valencia player, Mbappé, Carlos Soler, Neymar, Ekitiké and possibly Kolo Muani, Luis Enrique will have more than enough offensive arsenal to introduce variants throughout the season.

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