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North Korea’s goal is to become the world’s strongest nuclear power, Kim Jong-un

North Korea's goal is to become the world's strongest nuclear power, Kim Jong-un

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un says that our goal is to become the strongest nuclear power in the world.

According to international media reports, Kim Jong Un has announced the promotion of military officers involved in the development of the country’s largest missile system.

Kim Jong-un wrote in the decree on the promotion of military officers that the acquisition of nuclear power is indispensable to make the dignity of the state and the people and their sovereignty inviolable.

The head of North Korea added that our scientists have also made important achievements in the technology of making nuclear-armed ballistic missiles, the Huasank-17 missile is the most powerful strategic weapon in the world, which gives the North Korean army the world’s most powerful weapon. It will help to become the best army.

Yesterday, Kim Jong-un Kim spoke to the scientists, engineers, military officials and others involved in the Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile test, saying that they would increase and strengthen the country’s nuclear arsenal at an unusually fast pace. Will stay.

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