Despite the severe floods and floods in the United States caused by Hurricane Ida, many delivery people are forced to work, including delivering food.
While at least 44 deaths are to be deplored in New York (United States) and its region due to flooding linked to storm Ida, a controversy is growing over the work of delivery men despite these conditions this Friday, September 3.
Like this video, application-related meal delivery is always full despite extreme and dangerous working conditions for delivery people.
And through it all! @Grubhub delivery still out there bringing your dinner #ida #flooding #brooklyn
– Unequal Scenes (@UnequalScenes) September 2, 2021
“And despite all that, the GrubHub delivery man is always there to bring your dinner”, the author of the video on Twitter said in the caption of his post.
He wants to donate the proceeds from his video to the delivery man
Contacted by a dozen press agencies, the videographer received $ 1,700 for the dissemination of his video, viewed more than 11 million times on Twitter.
In an interview with the New York Times, he confides in his wish to donate this sum to the deliveryman filmed if he manages to find him.
Be that as it may, the man behind this viral video will have contributed to the media coverage of the issue concerning the working conditions of delivery people.