Home Sports New conditions of the FC Barcelona to tie to Dembélé

New conditions of the FC Barcelona to tie to Dembélé

Player and club refuse to end their relationship, so new alternatives are being considered that are already a matter of study

The FC Barcelona has found in Osmane Dembele a real piece of value in their approaches. Beyond the scandal in which he has been sunk, it is known that due to conditions he has not stopped being a player who is trusted and a lot of his options to be able to face the future.

However, the pressure from Xavi Hernández has worked so far, the coach has requested that the forward’s presence be maintained and he in turn has allowed himself to be loved. The big problem is the conditions and of course the great wall that the representative of the French winger has put up.

Dembele Real Madrid
The French attacker would be close to playing with the elastic merengue.

For Xavi, Dembélé is essential at FC Barcelona and it is necessary to extend his contract

It is enough to see the last presentations of the team to determine its power and influence on the field. Whenever he enters, he leaves a positive feeling, and leaves the impregnated wake that always gives a touch of sensationalism to his appearances. For this reason, its continuity action has been dusted off.

For this, the Catalan board of directors has based this fact on an action, and that is to offer a shorter duration to its new firm. That allows him to have greater control of his future, and freedom that in any case has been the fundamental part of his talks. Of course, we will have to see the answer that is not yet something to be considered.

Dembélé’s representative is at this point the biggest complex in the operation

From the sports point of view there is an environment for its continuity, but not so in economic matters. The player’s representative has stated that there is only one way and that is to access his current demands. In any other way, the operation is broken and it must be said, it is what is expected so far.

He only bases himself on what he has stipulated and it is evident that he is going after a very strong commission, the same one that Catalonia wants to avoid. It is clear that this still has many chapters left, and in that order of ideas this continues to work under the current model. Xavi and his power, against Dembélé’s ambition and his agent. We will see which of the forces ends up prevailing.

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