Home Sports New conditions of Sinan Bakis to Zaragoza annoy Cordero

New conditions of Sinan Bakis to Zaragoza annoy Cordero

From the environment of the Turkish player it has become clear what must happen to reach La Romareda

Sinan Bakis It is one of the goals that Juan Carlos Cordero has set for himself at Real Zaragoza. The sports director of the hands wants to start making the squad for the following season, where they will have promotion as their sole objective. There, one of those targeted is the Turkish striker from Andorra CF.

Let’s remember that Sinan Bakis has had a first season in Spain at the highest level, which has not gone unnoticed at Real Zaragoza. And it is that from the sports management they have set their eyes on the 29-year-old center forward, who with the Principality club has scored a good number of goals.

Sinan Bakis Zaragoza
Bakis is the great objective of the hands for the summer

Sinan Bakis is still a possibility for Real Zaragoza, although his demands are not well received by Cordero

Already There are 12 goals scored by the man born in Germany, but with a nationality of Turkey in the 33 games who has contested this campaign. His name is beginning to captivate several teams in the silver category, although it has also sounded like a possibility for some First Division clubs such as Mallorca.

In any case, Real Zaragoza has set the signing of Sinan Bakis as their objective, although it will not be easy. The striker knows that he has gained relevance and has made clear some conditions to give Cordero the final yes. These have not fallen in the best way in the sports director of the hands.

These are the figures that the Andorra striker asks the hands

It has been possible to know that the Turk has asked for a chip of one million euros, which is impossible for a Second team. Of course, this could be negotiable, but it could not be accommodated at all in the plan that the La Romareda team has. Also, it requires a transfer bonus of 500,000 euros, something complex to assume.

Cordero is bullish on this move and will keep waiting. He considers that Sinan Bakis could be the striker who changes the panorama in the offense of a Real Zaragoza who suffers constantly in that demarcation. The lack of a goal has played a trick on them and it should be an issue to be resolved as soon as possible.

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