Home Business Netflix Dominates Callao 5 with Massive Vertical Screen Advertising Takeover

Netflix Dominates Callao 5 with Massive Vertical Screen Advertising Takeover

Netflix takes over advertising in Callao 5 with one of the world's largest vertical screens

Netflix Revolutionizes Advertising in Callao 5 with a Unique Vertical Screen

The advertising broadcast model in Madrid’s Plaza de Callao has undergone a significant transformation, allowing a single advertiser to dominate 100% of the advertising time and guarantee a high level of notoriety. This innovative format has caught the attention of Netflix, which has chosen it for the exclusive launch of its programming.

Specifically, the content platform has opted for this new broadcast modality as a unique loop advertiser, aiming to qualitatively capitalize on a higher level of notoriety, both in terms of quantity and quality. This strategic move is expected to multiply the number of average impacts in the area by 4, the Share of Voice by 8, and the presence by 10.

Callao 5, managed by Super 8 Media since 2016, boasts an impressive 156 m2 screen, making it one of the largest vertical format screens and the only large format digital support in Spain that exclusively issues advertising for a single advertiser. The screen’s dimensions, combined with its Samsung XHB model and 6 mm pitch, have achieved a resolution of almost 6 million pixels. This requires real-time processing of 8k@60Hz HDR to handle the vast amount of pixels.

Netflix Expands its Advertising Technology Platform

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