Home Sports Mouth: Agustín Rossi put the signature, but with Flamengo

Mouth: Agustín Rossi put the signature, but with Flamengo

Mouth: Agustín Rossi put the signature, but with Flamengo

The novel seems to have come to an end. The goalkeeper Agustín Rossi signed a pre-contract with Flamengo of Brazil on Monday in which he indicates that he will close his cycle in Boca on July 1, ending the very long renewal negotiations with Xeneize.

The current Copa Libertadores champion reported the agreement with a brief statement on his social networks: “Flamengo and Agustin Rossi signed a pre-employment contract valid from July 1, 2023 to December 31, 2027.”

Flamengo thus made sure to incorporate the 27-year-old goalkeeper once his relationship with Boca ends next July, although he will continue to negotiate with Xeneize to take him away in the coming days. The Rio de Janeiro club had been dealing with Boca an economic compensation that was around 300,000 dollars but that did not come to conform to the blue and gold leadership.

With this agreement, the 2022 novel between the player and the Boca Football Council would come to an end, which, at the end of last year, met with the goalkeeper’s representative and made an improvement in the renewal offer where the club He had accepted the request to lower the exit clause from 15 to 8 million dollars, he would give him 45 percent of a future sale and his salary would be paid in official dollars.

It remains to be seen if the protests that Rossi’s arrival had generated these days among the Flamengo fans evolve, due to the complaint for gender violence that was filed against the player in 2017.

It was precisely that year when Rossi joined Boca, coming from Estudiantes. The goalkeeper had to wait to start, since the position belonged to Esteban Andrada. The man born in San Martín even made a save in the first leg of the Libertadores 2018 vs River, but even after that he was loaned to Lanús. With the sale of Andrada, he won the xeneize arc and became a figure for his performances on penalties. So far he has 151 games and just 107 goals against in Boca.

Now, Hugo Benjamín Ibarra will have to decide if he will continue to be his starting goalkeeper in these six months or if he will give the place to one of his three replacements: Javier García, Sergio “Chiquito” Romero or the youthful Leandro Brey in the prelude to what will be the Super Cup in Abu Dhabi against Racing on January 20.

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