The liver is one of the most vital organs in the human body. It plays a crucial role in synthesizing proteins and cleansing the blood by removing excess toxins. Notably, it is the only organ that can regenerate itself completely if it is damaged.
Unfortunately, the liver is susceptible to various diseases, including liver cirrhosis, hepatitis A, B, and C, as well as toxic or medication hepatitis. However, the most common condition affecting the liver is fatty liver, also known as hepatic steatosis.
Fatty liver occurs when excess fat accumulates in the liver cells. There are several causes of fatty liver, including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and alcoholic fatty liver disease. The most common causes of NAFLD are obesity, insulin resistance, a high-fat and sugar diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and genetics.
In addition to these factors, some medications, metabolic disorders, rapid weight loss, and malnutrition can also contribute to the development of fatty liver. The biological mechanisms underlying fatty liver involve the accumulation of triglycerides in hepatocytes, which can lead to cellular damage and oxidative stress, triggering an inflammatory response.
Fortunately, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the best strategy to prevent and manage fatty liver. A recent study suggests that drinking raisin water can help cleanse the liver in just two days. The method involves boiling black raisins in water for two minutes, then letting it rest for 24 hours before drinking a cup of the infusion on an empty stomach.
By following this treatment for two consecutive days, individuals may begin to experience positive results. However, it is recommended to do it for a week and to accompany it with a significant reduction in the consumption of fatty foods and a suspension of alcohol consumption for a week.