Molina Relishing Retirement After Achieving Milestone

Michael Molina was overwhelmed with emotions as he celebrated Ferrari’s 24 Hours of Le Mans win. Tearfully relieved in the paddock, he laughed with joy on the victory podium, and expressed his satisfaction on the track. What an extraordinary day.

The Victory.

‘It’s incredible. We’ve been longing for this moment for a long time. We were so close last year and although we didn’t win, we knew we’d had our chance and now, this year, we’ve made it happen. Almost everything went in our favor today – our tire choices, our strategic decisions, our pace was exceptional. And, of course, the problem with the door staying open actually worked to our advantage since we didn’t have to stop again. We knew today was the day to take victory and this precious trophy. I’m incredibly proud and I want to thank all those who have supported me throughout the way – my family, the Joves Pilots program, and everyone at Ferrari from AF Corse. They’ve done an incredible job, ensuring we won again at Le Mans.’

Tense and Emotional.

‘Pechito (López) told me it was the toughest race he’s ever done here at Le Mans, and I can confirm it. This year’s competition was fierce and we couldn’t afford any mistakes. Thankfully, we made very few over the last 24 hours. That was crucial to our win.’

The Most Challenging Moment.

‘The real turning point was when the door remained open after we changed the accelerator sensor before the start, we didn’t know if it would work and whether that was the key to the race. There are things outside of our control, but we did everything we could and even made the right tire calls numerous times. In my last stint with the soft tires, it was questionable whether it was the right choice, but it played out well and everything aligned perfectly today.’

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Finishing with Low Energy.

‘Niklas (Nielsen) made an exceptional effort at the end of the race, and once we stopped after opening the door, we realized we had just enough energy to make one less pit stop. Niklas was incredible. Combining that with my own pace and overall handling, everything fell into place for a perfect day.’

Joy in the Paddock.

‘Winning a race like this is incredibly gratifying after all the hardships. We sacrifice so much for these kinds of moments. To be a part of this story and the third Spanish driver in the top category to win Le Mans, after Marc (Gené) and Fernando (Alonso), makes this victory even more special. Although we could retire now, I’d rather use this as a motivator to have more opportunities in the future.’


‘I’d like to take a moment to thank my family – and especially my children, who sacrifice just as much as I do and support me from home. It means so much to me.’

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